meet the island crew

Aloha! We're the Mastel's, and this is our  Moku (island). No, we don't live on an actual island, even though it sometimes feels like we are totally separated from the real world. We went to Hawaii on our honeymoon, and fell so much in love with the easy-going, salt-water, tropical location,  that we try to keep the Hawaiian lifestyle in our daily Minnesotan life. We have hopes of going back, possibly moving, to the islands.. but if not, we will always consider our life a Moku.
So a little about the owners of this island...
My name is Kailee. I'm an insurance agent at an independent insurance agency that my father owns. When I'm not sitting at my desk, I am either getting my fitness on, making some new crafty project, planning a party, or sipping wine.
I live with an incredible man who loves life just as much as I do. I told this man, on August 17, 2013, that I will be his sidekick for the rest of our lives. We are now experiencing newlywed bliss and let me tell you what, being married is a pretty incredible adventure. We will call this man Chase. Because that's what his name is.

Lake life living is a top priority for us. We don't strive to own a house, as long as we can live on the lake. We have been blessed to be in a perfect-sized home, with a nice yard on a beautiful lake in the country. It's pretty incredible and feels like vacation every single day. Listening to the loons on our huge deck is one of the greatest things ever.

We own a sexy batman-boat, that I wish we could be in every single day (darn Minnesota tundra - just kidding, I actually love snow). Yes, this tells you a lot about our lifestyle and priorities... expensive wakeboarding boats are bought before houses or nice cars. On that note, Chase is a sponsored wakeboarder - so needless to say, we live in our swimsuits during the warm season... and have enough wakeboards to build a bed (which is definitely a planned future project).

We have a dog, Luna, who my husband got a couple of years ago and adopted me as her mom as soon as the "I do's" were over with. She's a curly-coated retriever and is one smart cookie. I love her and She loves me but doesn't listen to me. And she's an insane hunting-dog that helps Chase put food on our table.

Whether you're reading because you are family, friend, or even a stranger, I'm glad you're here. Everyone needs a little inspiration, motivation, or sometimes to realize that they're not the only ones who feel like their world is a crazy little island, too.