Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Cleaned Inside Out

Chemical Free. Clean Living. Being Green. Environmentally-Friendly. What. The. Heck. does that all mean anyways?

I've always been pretty 'healthy.' I'm not a sweets person, I don't snack unless I'm actually hungry, I like to think that I'm active (even though Sunday was my first real workout in about three months), I try to bake and cook with natural, organic, and unprocessed foods/ingredients, I've done a full-on elimination diet (which I didn't do to diet and is a story for later), I 'know' a lot about what it means to be healthy and fit and active and 'clean.' 

I also don't like scams. So I do my research. And even though I invest into some of those tiered companies, it's only companies that I am pretty positive I can trust. I need proof.

My best friend's mom introduced me to Young Living Essential Oils a couple of years ago, and I invested into the company and became labeled as a Distributor. I didn't do it to make money, I did it so I could get the benefit of paying less for the ungodly-overly-priced tiny bottles of mo-jo. Although, that little bottle does last at least a few months, typically (we diffuse around 4 drops of Peace and Calming every night and that lasts at least three months).

Naturally, as soon as I received my starter-box of potions, my body decided it was time to test those expensive "snake oils," and I became infected with a UTI. Literally. The week I got my oils. It's like God was saying, "you paid for it" ha. ha.. I knew what it was right away, since it was the fourth or fifth time I've had it. And no, you cannot get an over-the-counter chemical to cure the fire-pee infection. You HAVE to see a doctor. And, of course, drink as much natural Cranberry juice as you can. In the past, a Minute Clinic Many Hours Of Waiting Clinic was my only way out of it. So, I put those magic oils to the test:
-Lemon in my water all day long
-Purification in a glass of almond milk five times a day
-Purification and Thieves rubbed on the bottom of my feet (reflexology chart)
-Mixture of Oregano, Thieves, and Olive Oil rubbed on the belly every day
-1 tsp baking soda in 8 oz of water with 1 drop of Purification three times a day

Drinking that stuff was so disgusting (except for the lemon in my water). But Guess what? It worked. It might have taken five days instead of two. And I did consider quitting.. a few times. But I pushed through it. And it worked. And the best part...? I haven't had one since. 

In my continuous effort to live healthier and chemical-free, along with moving in with a very allergen-sensitive husband, I had to really invest time into how I was cleaning and what products I was using (yes, mom. I do actually clean my house. And I do a darn-tootin' good job at it, too). My mom has pretty much every Norwex product in her house, so, naturally, I have used that to clean and LOVE how well it works. Two weeks ago, I hosted my first Norwex party. It was online, convenient, and surprisingly a great time! Because my friends are right on board with living cleaner, they helped me get a ton of free products (actually, $400 worth of free products - and to those friends who had no clue that your dollars were going towards helping me get free things.. well.. now you know. So, thank you. And now you should go host a party of your own so you can get hooked up, too). This past weekend, I tested out all of my new Norwex products, and actually enjoyed cleaning. It was quick and easy. There were no smells that made me gag or force me to hold my breath. And our house is sparkling.

The following items are what I have from Norwex, so ask away if you're interested in learning more:
- Toothbrush - Bath Towels - Body Cloths - Baby Body Cloth (smaller for traveling) - Hair Turban - Lint Mitt - Large mop with superior dry mop pad, wet mop pad, and tile mop pad  - Rubber Brush - Enviro Cloth - Window Towel - Laundry Detergent - Enviro Wand  - Bathroom Scrub Mitt - Carpet Stain Buster - Dryer Balls - Car Cloth - Dishwashing Liquid  - Dish Cloth - Kitchen Towel - Kitchen Cloth - Spirisponge -

Now, this isn't me wanting to sell or persuade. It's me wanting to inform you of my decisions and encourage you to make your body happy. And to also let you know a little more about my hippyness ways. Do good to your body... It will thank you.

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