Thursday, September 04, 2014

Blog-Aversary ... Maybe..?

So as we come up on my one-year blog-aversary .... it's got to be somewhere around this time of year, but if not.. whatever,  I've made a very big conclusion: I suck at blogging. It's probably because I really don't do it to get money, more followers, be flown to NY for a fashion show, etc... I do it more to just document my life for the day I become famous  my future children. And for when I become senile and can't remember what my life was like when I was a newlywed and all the memories made after the wedding. Don't get me wrong... I would absolutely, positively, without a doubt LOVE to get paid to create all day, sell my creations online, show off my massively huge wardrobe, and have clothes thrown at me just so I'll take pictures wearing them. 

I'll be honest, I do "DIY" a ton. I knit a lot of baby clothes and come up with my own patterns that have actually become super adorable, and people have given me real money for my crafts. I take a ton of pictures with my fancy camera equipment, so I think they are pretty good quality. I have a ton of clothes and love dressing up and trying new fashion styles. I like cooking and make my own food creations. I give advice to people whether they want to hear it or not. And I seriously envy the people who do all of these things and are actually good at blogging about it.

BUT, I love my time spent with my husband after work. I enjoy being outside. I love my friends and family. I really like traveling. I'd rather sit outside on my new huge deck, looking at my new view over the lake as the sun is setting. My second home is our boat. I really want to motorcycle more. I'm re-learning guitar. I'm knitting more as the temperature is cooling down. I love editing photos. Basically... I just can't find the time to blog as much as I want to. But I'm seriously, really okay with it. Maybe on the day that my husband makes a ton of money and I can just stay at home with our children is the day I'll start an online store and blog about the clothes I'm wearing and give advice about how to change a poopy diaper. In the meantime, the blog-world is going to have to not hold their breath while waiting for my next blog post... 

... which might actually be soon cause I have fun pictures from our recent Labor Day Weekend trip to Chicago.

1 comment:

  1. Yes yes yes! You have to make sure that life comes before blogging. If you don't have a life then you have nothing to blog about. Happy Blog-aversary! I think that you are doing a wonderful job as blogger! Can't wait to read your re-cap of your trip! xoxo
